2023 Summer Student/Parent Login 课堂登录页面
2023 Summer Student/Parent Login 课堂登录页面
RCC Fair Play Policy:
RCC Anti-Cheating Clause: RCC attaches great importance to the cultivation of students' quality and sportsmanship. Cheating is strictly prohibited in our competitions, and we do not want any abnormal behavior to affect the quality of the game. Any cheating (using software, mobile phones, computers, or receiving hints from parents, siblings, or friends) is irresponsible to oneself and others. Therefore, we require that:
a) All irrelevant personnel, such as parents, siblings, and friends, must leave the area where the child is playing after the game has been debugged and the child starts playing, and they cannot provide guidance to the child while playing. Feedback can be given after the game is finished.
b) All games must be rated, and RCC will use chess.com's anti-cheating engine to determine the integrity of the game.
If the basic requirements for playing chess above are not met, the game will be judged as a loss, and the opportunity for this week's chess game review will also be cancelled.
If there is irrefutable evidence of cheating during the game, a serious warning will be given for the first offense. For the second offense, the student will be permanently expelled from the club without refund of tuition fees.
Regarding the situation where chess.com has banned the account due to fair play policy, all internal and class competition results will be cleared until a successful appeal is made. At the same time, all opponents of the game will be notified to modify their scores (deciding the opponent as the winner).
Please read chess.com's regulations carefully: https://www.chess.com/legal/fair-play RCC strictly adheres to chess.com's fair play policy and fully synchronizes with chess.com's handling results.
RCC非常注重学生的素质和体育精神的培养,我们的比赛严禁作弊,同时我们也不希望任何非正常行为影响对局的质量。任何作弊(软件,手机,电脑,父母兄弟姐妹提示等)是对自己和他人的不负责任。所以我们要求:a) 所有家长,兄弟姐妹朋友等无关人士在对局调试完,娃开始下棋后,一律离开孩子下棋的区域,更不得对孩子下棋进行指导。可以下完后进行点评。b) 所有对局必须是Rated,RCC将利用chess.com的反作弊引擎判断对局的integrity,从本学期开始不需要打开摄像头(请参考下文的fair play policy)
对于chess.com因为fair play policy封号的情况,在没有申诉成功前,所有的内部赛和班级赛的成绩都将清零, 同时通知所有对局的对手进行分数修改(判定对手全胜)。
请仔细阅读chess.com 的规定:https://www.chess.com/legal/fair-play RCC 严格遵守 chess.com 的 fair play policy,同时与chess.com的处理结果完全同步。
RCC After-school Chess Arrangement: Please read carefully the regulations for weekly class games:
- Requirements for class games: After each week's class, students should play against their respective opponents according to the pairing list.
- Making up for missed games: The pairing list for each round will be announced in the WeChat group before class. If a student needs to miss a game, they should inform the teacher and contact their opponent's parent to schedule a make-up game within a week. After the make-up game, please inform the teacher in the WeChat group for feedback.
- Unable to play due to opponent's absence: (including the opponent's child leaving Zoom after class, unable to be contacted by their parent, or not showing up without notice) In this case, the absent opponent will automatically lose the game and the present student will receive a win. The student can also play online chess with a randomly assigned opponent and ask the teacher for feedback. The absent opponent will receive zero points for the class game and will lose the opportunity for feedback that week. (Exceptional circumstances will be considered)
- Late games: If a student cannot complete a game within a week after class, they should notify the teacher and the opponent's parent. In this case, the opponent will automatically receive a win for that round and the student will lose the opportunity for feedback that week. (Exceptional circumstances will be considered)
1. 课堂对局要求:每周课程结束以后,请同学们留在zoom meeting中,按照本轮的对阵表和各自的对手完成对局。
2. 请假课后补下对局:TA每周上课前在微信群公布本轮对阵,需要请假的同学请通知TA并主动联系对手家长约时间在一周内补下对局,完成后请在微信群通知老师点评。
3. 对手不请假导致自己无法对局:(包括对手小朋友上课完课自行离开Zoom,家长联系不到,我方家长一直等待)本轮将自动获胜积分,同时请自行网上下棋随机配对后请老师点评,不请假的对手课堂对局得零分,同时失去本周点评的机会。(不可抗拒的因素除外)
4. 超过一周的对局:如果您的孩子无法在上完课一周内完成对局,请通知TA以及对手家长,对手本轮将自动获胜积分,同时您失去本周点评的机会。(不可抗拒的因素除外)
初级一期 / Elementary 1
初级二期 / Elementary 2
中级一期 / Intermediate 1
中级二期 / Intermediate 2
中级三期 / Intermediate 3
高级一期 / Advance 1
高级二期 / Advance 2
高级三期 / Advance 3
竞赛一期 / Competitive 1
竞赛二期 / Competitive 2
竞赛三期 / Competitive 3
竞赛六期 / Competitive 6
SuperGM 班 / Class SuperGM